Day at the Park, cont.
If you haven’t read the first installment of “Day at the Park”, go ahead and catch up first.
I had some more pictures to share of our day at the park. These pictures are a little better at capturing the number of ducks and geese that were all around us.
In the first pic you can see me holding a bag of bread and Will reaching out to me. “More bread!” Will said, wanting another piece of bread to toss to the ducks. The big, white one on the left (looks almost like a swan) was the jerk. It was starting all sorts of fights with the other birds to keep them away from the snack source (us).
There were also several selfish geese out that day, too. One of them was even snapping at its own goslings. Talk about poor parenting… Perhaps daddy bird was lashing out because he never gets to go out partying with his single friends anymore.
There were several cute goslings out that day. I may use this lovely portrait on the left as a logo for the landing page. The little guy seems very inquisitive, doesn’t he (or possibly she)?
Everyone participated in the feeding of the ducks. When they saw us walk into the field with a bag of bread, they swarmed us. At first there were only a handful of geese, a couple of goslings, and a pair of ducks. As soon as the rest of the field saw what we were throwing to the birds, they decided to attack!
My mom even got nipped by a particularly hungry goose that must have been trying to say, “Hey! You! Give me more bread!” I would have never guessed just how voracious these birds can get! You would think they were ravenous wolves and that we were tossing chunks of raw red meat.

And so concludes this chapter of “When Animals Attack.” Join us next time to see a carnivorous ostrich single-handedly incapacitate and then eat a full-grown cow.